Japanese concepts that will help you improve your life
For centuries traditional Japanese wisdom and culture has been promoted in modern society as something we can all learn from and model of. Qualities such as harmony, patience, acceptance & mutual respect are just some of the common Japanese values that are often mentioned.
The word ‘Jinsei’ translated in English refers to human life, or the good life. Jinsei Tab will help you take a break from the never-ending to do lists and day to day chaos that sometimes exists in our fast paced lives. By reminding ourselves to look within and reflect on what is really important. The Jinsei extension displays Japanese concepts and practices that, if adopted and practised, can improve the quality of your life. And help us to exercise patience and connect us closer with nature and each-other.
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Embrace and accept imperfection. Accept yours and others flaws. Look for the beauty in imperfection and incompleteness.

Some things can’t be helped and are out of our control. We need to accept this and move on in certain situations, and try to find peace from the situation.
Embracing flaws and imperfections can create and result in an even better outcome. Kintsugi means ‘golden joinery’, so in other words, fill in any cracks, scars and imperfections with golden behaviour such as love and acceptance.

Try to always continuously improve. Small changes over time make a big difference.

Pursue your passions with commitment and dedication. The rewards will bring satisfaction and great fulfillment.
Embrace the hard times. Face them with dignity and exercise emotional maturity and perseverance during such difficult times.


Set goals and visualise yourself achieving those goals.
How to learn and master a technique in 3 stages: SHU – Learn the basics by studying and imitating the teachings of mentors and masters. HA – Put what you learn and study into practise by doing and experiementing. RI – Innovate and adapt what you’ve learnt in different scenarios.

Never give up. The accomplishment of achieving your goals and dreams is worth the effort.
Having a positive heart and spirit can bring great happiness, fulfilment and internal peace to your life and others.

To persist and never give up. Overcome challenges and reach your goals.
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